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Sunday, 28 February 2016

A is for Aysons Reserve

The people of the Pinpandoor Nation knew the area around the Campaspe River in northern Victoria, as Palooka. Now, any immigrant can camp at Aysons Reserve on the banks of the river, between Rochester and Elmore, and it's free. There are basic toilets, a dump point and a boat ramp.  Whatever else you want you have to bring. Campfires, complying with fire restrictions, are allowed. Fishing, swimming, yabbying, boating (small boats), canoeing and photography are popular. 

The prototype ensuite I used on this trip had a few drawbacks which I intend to remedy before I venture away again. The pictured set-up required me to climb in one side, crawl across the bed and out the other door to access my portapotty

Following a particularly convivial evening with friends around the campfire I had a weeny problem. Take my word, the first part of this manoeuvre was completed with absolute grace, elegance and efficiency. However, as I lowered myself down...I am not quite clear how... I  found I was sitting behind the toilet, with my legs around it, feet in the air, back resting hammock style in the side of the groaning tent and absolutely stuck. I was as helpless as a beetle on its back, a topsy-turvy turtle, or a 'tired and emotional' grandma with her legs around a portable toilet in a pop-up tent...which is much worse than either of the previous examples.  It took me some serious problem solving and several abortive attempts, but I did escape, with just a little gravel rash where it can't be seen.

Check out my Facebook Page: Jules Road.