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Saturday 24 June 2017

Three readings in one day.

While visiting the Edmund Markets recently, I thought I would have a psychic reading to wait out the rain. It rained a lot, so I had another with another psychic. Having had two, I thought I might as well go the hat trick and have another.

Number 1—Emerald.

While Emerald closed her eyes, and held both my hands in hers, she looked totally unremarkable. Another of those invisible older women. Grey shoulder length hair, baggy top over a long skirt. No tinkling jewellery, no scent of sandalwood just a few little grey hairs on her chin. Her closed eyes darted in every direction, she chuckled, she frowned and, at one point dropped one hand to wave someone or something away. When she suddenly dropped my hands and opened her eyes, she said, “You’re a bit quirky!”  I liked that, I don’t always want to be just another one of the invisible crowd. 

As she spread the cards haphazardly over the table, she said, “You’re intuitive”.  I was intuiting that she told most people the same thing…it does produce a sort of smug inner glow in the recipient, however. She could also tell I was a kind, giving person who had taken care of others all my life.  I suspect there are a few ‘others’ who may disagree with her. I smiled demurely. And let’s be honest her judgement would be accurate for most women my age.

She directed me to pick twelve cards from the pile. These cards predicted a sunny future, a substantial windfall of money, and a man who has his house in order. The triple whammy!  I told her I didn’t much go for men, and she stressed the cards were gender neutral. “My first impression of you was gay, but I don’t like to make assumptions,” she laughed. She laughed a lot. Of course, as I have cared for others so much, now is the time for me. I should take care of my feet, apparently. There’s travel ahead, in fact I’m a gypsy soul. Who would've guessed that. I laughed a lot too.

But…the main point I took from the chuckling Emerald is that I should write. ‘Maybe’, she said, ‘That’s where the money will come from.” We both laughed.

I walked away feeling a little less cynical. The thought of certain money and love in the near future has the power to do that. I wanted to believe.

Number 2—Forgotten her name.

This one didn't seem as happy to be plying her trade as Emerald had been. I had the impression of a bored suburban housewife making a few pennies on the side. She had no tools of trade, just herself and two chairs facing each other. The same flattering appraisal about my intuitive abilities. In fact she said, “You could do my job!”   I think I probably could!  Again, I shouldn’t worry about money but no mention of love on the horizon. But guess what??!! I should write. ‘Write?’, I said incredulously. ‘Definitely.” she said, “My guides tell me you should not worry, just sit down with a pen and paper and it will come.” 

I wasn't cynical and I wasn't convinced but I must admit to being a little amazed.

Number 3—Susan

The name ‘Susan’, doesn’t have a particularly spiritual ring to it and neither did Susan’s appearance. Perhaps Emerald looked like this in younger days. I checked, Susan didn’t have any hairs on her chin. Well not yet. 

Susan was another hand holder. Guess what? Apparently I’m intuitive! I had no idea. However, no money, no man, or woman for that matter. Susan, like the others told me lots of things which could be applicable to other women my age. I tried to stay neutral, smiled and nodded occasionally. It was becoming a little ho hum by now.

Then, out of the blue Susan says,”Are you being pulled to Western Australia? I feel as if you are, you should go, definitely go!” I said, “Yes, I desperately want to visit my old aunt”. She smiled triumphantly. I grinned…I’ve been pondering the trip for ages. 

She closed her eyes and scanned me, “Be careful of your heart”. I didn’t ask but I wondered, “Is this the love connection or should I continue to mind my cholesterol?”  “I sense some trouble in your gut”….clearly the lactose free diet isn't cutting it!  “Watch your knee.” I did and it didn’t do anything notable. 

I had a clue she was winding up because she checked her phone, for the third time. Did I have any questions? “Yes”, I said, trying to work out how to ask it without leading her, “What about creative pursuits?” I dismissed her first suggestion of painting…been there, done that - badly.  Then, as if it was a huge surprise to her, she said, “Writing! It’s all around you. You must write”

I’m still cynical but I had been wanting to make that trip to Kalgoorlie to see my aunt and cousins, so I will. I have been thinking of going gluten free anyway, and now seems as good a time as any. I don’t hold out any great hopes but will keep my eye out for a partner with money and all her shit together.  Don’t worry, I’ll write about it and keep you up to date.

If all else fails, I can pitch a tent, with a couple of chairs, some hippy clothes and clinking jewellery…well, you’re intuitive, you'll know what I have in mind. 

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